Garden art.  "Anticipation" is whimsical assembled glass sculpture made with repurposed glass.

Remember the anticipation of that first kiss? This assembled sculpture captures the moment as two porcelain cherubs close their eyes and pucker up for their first kiss.
Sometimes I buy pieces when I cruise the thrift shops and I don’t know what the heck I’m going to do with them, hoping inspiration will strike.  I found the cherubs and thought they were kinda cute.  But I’m not a person who accumulates “cute things.”  But there was something about the youthful anonymity of these cherubs that captured me.  Maybe their upturned faces were expecting the Heavenly Host, but I thought they were anticipating a kiss.  So much for my imagination.  
I also had the big vase which was turning out to be more difficult to use than I thought.  So I turned it upside down and it became the base for the totem.  I find a lot of pretty double candle holders, so I perched the cherubs on one of those.  Then it needed some transition pieces, and voila, I had a whimsical garden totem.  It makes me smile when I look at it.  I hope it does the same for you.

24" tall x 6 1/2" diameter
weighs 6 pounds 15 oz.
6 pieces of re-purposed glass and ceramic pieces
In private collection.

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